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Monday, 8 January 2007
De-lurking week

Hey, everybody. There's a law that says you must comment during de-lurking week. At least once. More is better. Tell me who you are. Am I talking to myself (and the handful of people who do regularly comment)?

What do you mean it's not a law? Of course it is. Just take my word for it.

Posted by ktjrdn at 13:40 CST
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The ties that bind

You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family.

I really wish that saying had no bearing on my life. Sadly it does. My sister is a fuck-up. I love her to bits, but she's really done quite a bit to mess up her life and in the process, the people around her. She's currently trying to straighten up, but she has a lot to make up for. She's been on drugs, in and out of jail, prison, and has burned quite a few bridges. People have really tried to help her out. My mom is currently raising her oldest children, my aunt her third. Christy only has custody of the forth kid. She lies and misrepresents things so much that I never even ask questions, because I'm not going to believe the answer, so why bother? I think she gave up long ago, and has decided that having no expectations is better than being disappointed. She hasn't yet admitted that she is responsible for any of the decisions she has made in her life. Everything is someone else's fault. Especially Mom's.

She came to visit for a little while this weekend and I didn't even know what to talk to her about. I wouldn't talk to her if she were just some person on the street, so what do I say to her when we are together? We really share no common interests. We share family, but mostly, I like them and she bitches about how they mistreat or misunderstand her. In some cases she's right. She is misunderstood and rarely gets the benefit of the doubt. Most of the time, it's because she's exhausted all of her second (fiftieth) chances. She is misunderstood, because no one can understand why anyone would make the crappy decisions she has made. I really don't want to withdraw form her completely, because of my nephew and nieces. If she ever gets her act together I will be overjoyed. I'm just not holding my breath. So how do I maintain a casual relationship with someone who lives her life at odds with everything that I believe is right? Everything she says makes me want to scream "But Christy, you used to have a brain! Why don't you want to use it?" Why live in the gutter?

(One time she asked me "Are you till breastfeeding? She had quit at around 2 months or so, I think. I told her that I couldn't afford to quit and buy formula even if I wanted to and I didn't want to anyway. She replied that she didn't have to pay for it. She got it free. THAT is why I can't afford to pay for it. People like her living without a job on purpose, expecting that other people will pay their way because we wouldn't want to see her child harmed for it. That kid shouldn't be used like that, and iIshouldn't have to pay for her shit just because she is on welfare. GRR. And she smokes. GRRRRRRR)

I don't know how to deal with her. Does she deserve anything form me because she's my sister? Do family ties entitle her to have a relationship with me? Somehow, I don't think so, but still, because she's my sister, I can't sever out relationship. I just suffer through the time we spend together waiting for it to be over. It really pisses me off that she's not the person I grew up with and loved so much.

Posted by ktjrdn at 13:16 CST
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Friday, 5 January 2007
morning rituals
Is it just my kids, or do your kids wake up, stretch, and fart? Every morning. The baby and the 3 year old. I think it's hilarious.

Posted by ktjrdn at 08:44 CST
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Thursday, 4 January 2007
2006 Meme

Here's the rules. Write the first sentance of the first post of each month in 2006.

January 2006 - Ally only had 1 pair of wet panties from 7 am to 9 pm last night
February 2006 - So we finally got all the crap put away this weekend
March 2006 - Sleep has been decent the last couple days
April 2006 - Screw this 1 hour at a time crap
May 2006 - I made a new picture album
June 2006 - You know how all the old cartoons have someone step on a rake, and it comes back and smacks them in the face and everyone laughs - hahaha that's so stupid it's funny?
July 2006 - Ally: I'm not a big girl.
August 2006 - OK, we saw the ENT last night, and Surprise! Ally has an ear infection
September 2006 - The other day I was nursing Anya in her room (next to the bathroom).
October 2006 - Anya has found her toes
November 2006 - Halloween rehash - The haul: (listing of all the Halloween candy)
December 2006 - This was last week at Grandma Darra's house (I posted a picture below)

I'm not sure what all this says about me, but the January one kinda makes me mad. Ally was doing pretty well in January! She didn't get out of diapers until November. ARGGG!

Posted by ktjrdn at 10:32 CST
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updates for all

So lazy. Oh well. Lots of stuff to talk about, so I'm going with bullet points.

  • Last night Ally wanted some pudding. We made it before dinner and stuck it in the fridge to set. Then we sat down for dinner. We had cheeseburgers which she usually likes. Well, she likes the freezer meal kind. Real ones are a little too big for her I think. She eats some and then says she's full. So last night Rob and I had to coax her through the meal once again. She kept telling us she was full, could she have some pudding? At one point I told her "How can you have any pudding, if you don't eat your meat?" I don't think she got it, but I thought it was pretty funny.
  • After bedtime, Rob sat down at the table and had some pudding and Nilla Wafers. (We have rediscovered our love of stale Nilla Wafers. I picked up Anya from daycare one day and she smelled like them. Yummy, so we bought a box. I opened it and 2 days later they were perfect.) We were discussing the pudding/supper dilema Ally had. Rob was talking in between dipping a wafer in pudding, making a sandwich out of them and stuffing them in his mouth. He said "Ally still hasn't learned that you eat because it's healthy, not because it tastes good" We both promptly laughed at the absurdity of that sentence coming from him with his mouth stuffed with cookies and pudding.
  • Anya has learned to wave. Well, kind of. She doesn't wave bye-bye. She doesn't wave hello. Mostly she sticks her whole arm up in the air and bends her wrist back and forth while yelling to let me know there is no more food in her hand and she Needs. More. NOW. But occasionally, she does wave in response to you waving at her.
  • Everyone but Rob has been sick at some point in the last week. Anya Friday night, Ally Sunday night, and me Tuesday night. Ally hadn't eaten well all day, and we mdae her eat supper, even though she didn't really want to. We've had so many fights over this that we just thought she was being a pain. Besides, we got her Chicken nuggets like she asked for. Maybe next time, we'll pay more attention. Side note: I had gotten some sleep the night before and was waiting for him upstairs while Rob read Ally's bedtime stories. I have no sex drive if I don't sleep. So sleep makes me horny. So I was naked and waiting patiently when I hear Ally throw up and Rob yells, "I could use a little help here" How do the kids always know the worst possible time to do shit like that?
  • I've started a policy of not getting Anya out of her crib between the hours of 8 pm and 4 am. When she cries now, I comfort her in her crib and lay her back down. repeatedly. We'll see how thi sworks. Rob is ABSOLUTELY against crying it out. He does not want me to let her get "hysterical", so we'll see how this works instead. Over the last couple of nights, the time that she has woken first has gotten later. I'm taking that as a good sign. Please let it be a sign. At least I'm not feeding her all night anymore.
  • Yesterday I stayed home from work to let the virus run its course. I woke up feeling mildly better and since I had the house to myself, i cleaned out Anya's room. Since she doens'tt play in her room, I use it as a general "throw it in Anya's closet and I'll get to it later" room. The closet spilled over into the room long ago. it was bad. I took 5 totes full of stuff out of there. 3 totes of outgrown clothes (hers and Ally's) and 2 totes of garage sale stuff. Come spring I'm de-cluttering. I'm going to send the kids out of the house for the day (or at least Ally - Anya probably won't get in the way too much) and clean out a LOT of old toys. Now, the room is clean I'm so thrilled. I even got all the laundry done and folded (and put in the correct rooms even if it isn't put away in drawers yet) All this while I was sick!
  • Rob has been working a couple of evenings lately at the hospital. This is a very good thing. If he doesn't work, he might get fired (part time people still have to work occasionally and it's been a long time). If he gets fired, we're not eligible for our daycare anymore. It's only for hospital employees. In fact, it's not even really for prn employees, but they put that rule in after we were already there, so it doens't apply to us. If he isn't an employee anymore though, he has 30 days to find another day care. I don't want to do that. So he has to work. It reminds me of how much I hated to have him gone all the time at his last job. It's also kind of nice, cince I never get a break from him anymore.
  • This one's just for mom. I had 775 people take one of my quizes. Ha
  • I can always tell lately when Anya has a dirty diaper. She starts whining and chasing me around the room. It's very odd.
  • I quit watching my soap operas last month.  I've been watching Days Of Our Lives for at least 16 years. I started watching Passions when it came on while I was in college. I gave it up. Don't even tape them anymore.  2 kids just take up too much time for tv. I hardly ever turn it on for myself anymore. This is a major step for me. Of course while I was home yesterday I watched, and wasn't even that confused after missing a month.
  • Anya hasn't had and ear infection since she got off the last round of antibiotics Dec 11th. YAY! But I think she's teething. BOO! Ally got her first teeth at 10 months. Anya is now a little over 8 months old. We'll see what happens

I'm sure there are fve million other things, but that's it for now. Oh, except that I'm going to update youTube and Flickr soon. Check them out

Posted by ktjrdn at 09:48 CST
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Friday, 29 December 2006
some advice that no one asked for

I have a few nuggets of wisdon that I thought I'd share. I know, no one asked, but they've helped me, so I'm passing it on. Plus, I've done a lot of stupid things lately (like colliding mirrors with a parked truck) so I wanted to show off my amazing smartness.

  1. Coupons. Diapers and wipes coupons are great. I use Pampers. It seems like the wipes coupons are always $1.00 off and Cruisers $1.50. Then the EasyUps are $2.00 off. This makes sense because the cost goes up in that order. However, I have discovered that Walmart is the place to use coupons. Particularly a Super-Walmart. They get so much business that they lose no money by accepting expired coupons. They can still redeem them. The cashiers very rarely even check the dates. Plus, and this is very important, it doesn't matter what coupon you give them, as long as it's for the right brand. It's all checked by the computer. They scan a Pampers coupon, the computer checks the purchases to see if a (any) Pampers product was bought. That means you can use the $2.00 coupons on wipes. It also means that you can use as many coupons as products. If you have a buy one get one free Kandoo (pampers) soap, you can use 2 coupons, becuase you have 2 products. Go collect coupons. Save money. The only people who lose in this deal are Pampers, and I figure they aren't really losing, becuase I'm just using a coupon someone else didn't bother to redeem. Plus, I'm still buying their diapers. Everybody wins.
  2. Oven safety. Long ago, Rob and I had a baby. This was a new thing. We had to get used to lots of new things. One of those was being careful while preheating the oven. I used to turn the oven on and go downstairs to pee or something. Rob didn't even always know the oven was on. But that was okay, because he's an adult (sort of).  Babies are stupid, though. They don't know ovens can be hot. So Rob and I adopted a rule. If one of us turns the oven on, the oven light goes on with it. EVERY time the oven is hot, the light is on. It doesn't get turned off until after the oven is cool. That way everybody knows at all times to keep the baby away from the hot oven, even if you didn't turn it on yourself. One pleasant side effect of this practice is that Ally now knows that the light means stay away. This wasn't the intended purpose, but it is great. The other day, a ball rolled toward the oven while it was on, and she started walking toward it, and saw the light on and stopped. It's one of the smartest child-proofing things we've ever done.

Posted by ktjrdn at 08:10 CST
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Wednesday, 27 December 2006
For some reason, I can't embed anything in a post that's not hosted by this server. Um, for those of you who don't know what that means, it won't let me put that photo slideshow in an entry. That's why I had to put it up there in the heading. (It's also why you have to click the links to my YouTube videos instead of just watching them here.) So, I'm only going to leave it up there for a while. We took lots more, but I'm just too lazy to do anything with them at the moment.

Posted by ktjrdn at 13:48 CST
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I'm a huge slacker. When things get busiest, I post less, but there's more to talk about, so why is that? It's all backwards. oh well. Things went well with the traveling. The presents are unwrapped. The house is a shambles. We seem to have aquired a coffee table made for trains. Ok, so maybe it's not a coffee table, but it's currently sitting where our coffee table would be if we had one. The food is almost all eaten (except for the half of a ham that we stuck in the freezer, cause my God! we could have never eaten it all. And of course, except for the part of it that Anya scarfed down. That's right. She had chunks of ham for dinner this weekend. She loved it. She actually put down her crackers to get more ham. So weird). The new clothes are all washed. The tree will come down this weekend, I think.

Everyone had the same type of holidays I'm sure. Filled with friends, family and food. Ours wasn't much different. Ally liked her computer. It took her about 15 minutes to notice it was there in the room with her. She's not too observant. She's much better with the mouse than I had expected. Anya looked at all her toys. Played with a few, but always returned to her beloved ernie book. I don't know what it is about that thing, but she loves it. Whatever.

Anyway, I don't have a lot to say, but just wanted to say something anyway. Posting will probably be light for a bit, but I'll be back. See you soon.

Posted by ktjrdn at 13:38 CST
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Friday, 22 December 2006
Christmas songs MeMe

Okay, Erin tagged me for a Christmas songs MeMe. It's supposed to be my 5 favorite Christmas songs, but I don't really listne to Christmas music much, so I'm going to change it up a bit.

My favorite songs:

  1. Carol of the Bells Absolutely love this one. In fact, I have the album Trans-Siberian Orchestra published it on. Love it. The song is beautiful, but the orchestra gives it an added oomph. A slighly less musical, slightly more comical version is here
  2. I'm not really religious, but "O Holy Night" really gets to me. It has such feeling. Very moving. This version that Jenny posted is freakin hilarious, though.

Christmas songs that makes me ish the holidays were over:

All the songs from Rudolph and the Island of Misfit Toys. "Why am I such a Misfit?" Dude - it's because you want to be a dentist!

Christmas song that I hope I never have to sing again, but probably will in just about an hour and half, just because I love my daughter:

Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer

Christmas song that gets stuck in my head the instant I so much as think about it:

Frosty the Snowman (Thumpty-thump-thump Thumpety-thump-thump...)

Christmas song that I just can't ever sing the right words to:

Joy to the World! (my sister's dead, we barbequed her head!)

It's almost Christmas, so I won't tag anyone else, but feel free to share your favorites if you want. Or just your thoughts on Christmas music in general.

Posted by ktjrdn at 13:52 CST
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Tuesday, 19 December 2006
TMI Tuesday #8 - Christmas Craziness

Beth's Mom asked a question over on Beth's blog that I wanted to answer. I started typing it all up in the comment box over there, and then I looked at it and thought "Oh my God, This is way too long for a comment. And anyway, it would make a good post for myself since I have nothing else to say, what with the overwhelming tiredness." So here it is.

How do other people divvy up the holiday celebrations between the two sets of relatives? Is it usually a big fight, or do your readers alternate amicably?

Do the grandparents care what is fair, or do they insist on seeing their little  dears for every occasion regardless of what anyone else wants?

And how about your readers?  Can they stand up to their respective families and do what they darn please?

I have 4 sets of parents. Rob's mom and Dad are divorced and remarried and ditto for mine. My dad has been married to Leann for a good 20 years or so, so she's family and so are her kids. No offense to Mom here, but her husband is a relative new-comer (at 10 years). I just didn't grow up with him. I was out of the house before they got married, so it's kind of hard to settle in real well, you know? Rob's parents have both been re-married forever too, so everyone pretty much gets along okay. They could deal with being in the same room together - and have - pretty easily. The problem is that there's just not a big enough room. Every year I host a BBQ and all sides of the family are invited and usually 30-40 people show up. It would get crazy to try to have that at the holidays indoors. So I rush around to see everyone, or I don't. This year it's a little of both.

I try to take everyone's plans into account and work them in somehow.

Dad and Leann always make it easy by picking a weekend day before Christmas to have their celebration. That was last Sunday. All the kids get to play togther while the guys watch football, mostly. Leann always has a great dinner set up and we hang out. She also usually has Christmas day dinner available to anyone who is free. I have never been free for it, though. (driving time = 55 minutes one way)

My mom always has a Christmas buffet. (mom's driving time = 40 minutes) Early in the morning, she sets up appetizers and grazing foods and people are invited to stop by at any time and visit. That's usually a pain in the ass for me, because it's not an actual gathering, so I'm not going to see the rest of the family at any certain time, so it's just me visiting Mom. And I'd rather do that while there aren't other various people randomly stopping by. We usually do a meet-up sometime or another around the holidays whenever convenient. This year, though, my grandma decided to have a Christmas party this Friday. She usually - hmm, I don't really know what she usually does. I think she goes to my uncle's then goes to my aunts the next day? Whatever. This year I can go there and have a party with my mom's side of the family and it doesn't clash with anyone else's plans. Ally loves going there and playing with all the cousins and so we're happy. Plus, they're having Casey's pizza. I love Casey's pizza. (grandma's driving time = 1.3 hours)

The bad thing is that we're going to Rob's mom's the next day. So we might end up driving after Grandma's Friday night. Yuck. It's a 2.5 hour trip form our house. It'll be much longer from there. But. It will be night and the kids will likely fall asleep and we won't have to load and unload the vehicle twice. Hell, maybe Anya will even sleep better in the car. Ha! We always try to spend Christams with his mom. She's got less family around and Rob always wants to let her know we love her by showing up. (Hi Darra, we love you) For many reasons, the holidays are a little hard for her, and she always makes the most effort to come see us and help out, so it only seems natural. This year, her husband has a new schedule and will have to work a little on Christmas eve, so we will be there on Saturday instead. If Rob's sister shows up (which is not certain right now. Circumstances are iffy) We'll just come home and spend Christmas Eve trying to get things cleaned up and put away from our travels, and spend Christmas at home. Otherwise, Darra might come back with us to be part of our holiday at home and Bill can meet us after work Christmas Eve or somehting. We don't really know. (driving time = 2.5 hours + 1.3 hours if we leave from grandma's)

Oh and Rob's grandparents actually live in the same town as Darra, so we'll see them if they are there. They might be in California (at Rob's aunt's house) though, so I'm not really sure. They usually go out there, but they are usually gone before now, and I haven't heard anything about it, so I'm not sure. (no driving. Yay)

Rob's dad doesn't have any set plans yet. He usually goes to his in-laws for Chirstmas and catches us whenever it's easiest for both of us. This year, Glinda is under-going chemo, so all bets are off. I hope she feels well enough to enjoy the holidays. (driving time = 1 hour if we go there. Usually they come to our house)

Most everyone is flexible and let us decide where we are going. Thank God, because it's hard to coordinate with everyone. I want to see everyone and all, but it really messes with the kids schedule to be travleing that much that often. Ally starts missing naps and it's hard to continue our food training (which is going great. Last night she tasted a bite of lasagne. Said she didn't like it. Chewed it up instead of spitting it out. So she didn't have to eat it and got a PB&J instead. Those are our rules - one bite and you can get something else if you don't like it. No arguments last night Finally) and accident-free (potty-related) days. Anya doesn't sleep as well during the day, which makes the night even worse and in someone else's house to boot. Just stressful. Worth it, but stressful anyway.

We do occasionally set our foot down and not see people when we need to. We don't always see Mom on Christmas Day when she celebrates, because we want to be home for the kids to play with their toys. I remember growing up and going to my dad's house after Christmas and being annoyed that I couldn't play with all the neat stuff I had just gotten. I want the day to be relaxing. Especially since the rest of the holiday isn't.

Posted by ktjrdn at 12:47 CST
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Monday, 18 December 2006
oh yeah, Merry Christmas

I turned on the pictures in the Chirstmas album. They are now available for your viewing pleasure. I've got most of my Christmas cards out by now. Although most of the sisters and brother sin the family aren't really settled anywhere permanently, so I have to ask various mothers/fathers for their current addresses, because it's just too much work to keep up with it myself. Those people don't have cards yet, but all the non-nomadic people in my life should by now.

BTW Roger, I'm about to check my email for your address, but if you read this before I find it, it would make it a lot easier if you just email it to me again, and I'm all about finding the easy way out. Except for bringing it to Grandma's, because I just believe that cards should be mailed for some reason.

Posted by ktjrdn at 14:53 CST
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Random thought form this morning
I bet the trash people garbage men waste removal professionals hate Christmas. Sure it's mostly light paper trash, but it's got to be the biggest trash holiday there is.

Posted by ktjrdn at 14:46 CST
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I haven't really felt a lot like writing lately. Mostly, I write here to have a record of the general everyday things in my life that are special/worth remembering. Lately though it feels like everything is all running together and not worth remembering. Sure, Anya's standing by herself a little bit more often, and she hasn't had an ear infection for over a week now, but really it just feels like everything is blah. I'm ALWAYS tired. She won't sleep even though she feels better, and she's starting to come down with another sniffly nose already. Will I ever sleep again? Plus, Ally is still giving us fits over eating. She eats new things MUCH more often (she gave absolutely no objection to Stove Top stuffing  the other night), but every meal is still an argument. Mostly just to get her to Shut. Up. for a minute - just long enough to have a single moment of quiet to regroup. I'm finding it hard to summon enough energy to even manage the daily functions. Ally hasn't had a bath since Friday night. I'm a horrible mother (But her father has also been home those same nights and has not ever noticed that it hasn't been done. I wonder how long it would be if I just waited until he noticed?). But it's just so hard to do. We don't get home until 5 and supper is at 5:45-6 or so and she never stops talking, so it takes an hour for her to finish eating and Anya's bedtmie is 7 and she needs to be nursed to sleep and Ally wakes her up if I put her in the bath after Anya's in bed, and it is all just too much work. I just need a break. The holidays are too hard to deal with. It just makes everything so much more effort. We have to deal with 4 sets of parents and 2 sets of grandparents. It's great getting together and all and I always look forward to seeing everybody, but I also kind of dread it, you know? All the packing and meals on the go and taking Ally to other people's bathrooms and finding a out-of-the-way place to change Anya and throwing away her toxic waste of a diaper in someone else's trash can and worrying about whether it's going to stink up their house and having to wear non-pajama bottoms all weekend and the wrapping and assembling and freeing of the toys from their plastic prisons. exhausting. And it hasn't really even started. I'm just tired. We went to Christy's son's 3rd birthday party Saturday and my Dad's Christmas party Sunday and Friday is my Grandma's Christmas. Saturday is Christmas at Darra's. Sunday we'll come home and have to get all the usual weekend laundry/housekeeping done plus get ready for the presents the ext day. Allt the computer parts need set-up and I'm sure that Ally will be hyped up on sugar, becuase that's what the holidays are about isn't it? sugar? I used to love that part, but now? not so much. It's really to hard to tell your kid that she can't have a cookie because she already had one when there are 20 people around eating every different kind of cookie there is over an over again. Then? The sugar rush. Yuck. Plus, the missed naps. I believe I touched on the missed naps when I recounted the Thanksgiving/Birthday party rush, but I didn't even begin to relay the problem it causes. The little subtle disobediences are a lot more of a pain in the ass than the overt stand-offs. Like, how do you decide the severity of punishment for taking the Velcro out of the holes on her shoes when she's been told not to 500 thousand times? It's disobedience, sure, but does it warrant acction? Especially when you're tired of dealing with the total breakdown that will come if you try to enforce anything when she's tired and cranky already. It would be much easier if she'd just kick me or something. Then I could tell her she needs to lay down and she'd probably fall asleep. But things like wiping a buger on her sister's back? Not really punishable by early bedtime. By the way, she missed her nap both days this weekend. As if that neded said.

Anyway... That's just my way of saying that I feel like carp (edited: I don't really feel like a fish) crap. All this business is running around in my head and I never get to sleep and I always have to be incharge of coordinating the schedule and what goes where with whom and I'm just tired of it. Anyone want to come over and babysit for me? You'll have to be willing to take my car and go somewhere else, because I'm staying home and sleeping. See you at 5?

Posted by ktjrdn at 14:44 CST
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Thursday, 14 December 2006
Happy Birthday to me!

No, it's not my birthday. But I did get a Birthday present yesterday. Yesterday I got my day care bill. I had forgotten that her tuition went down when she turned 3. Hooray! Well, it's only dropped $8 a week, but that's still money right? It's like when you get out your winter coat for the first time of the season. Sometimes you stick your hand in the pocket and WOW, there's $5. It makes your day even though it's only $5. That's how I feel right now. My huband made fun of me, but $8 a week is $416 a year. (That drops me down to under $15K a year) 

Now, I can't wait until Anya has her birthday..

Posted by ktjrdn at 08:39 CST
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Tuesday, 12 December 2006
TMI Tuesday #7 - All About Underwear

Do you know how hard it is to find new underwear? I have been looking for years. Most of the underwear I have was purchased 6-7 years ago. Some of it is rather hole-y by now. The problem I have is that I like a certain kind. And only that kind. Out of necesity, I have bought a different kind recently, but I'm still on a search for better underwear. I like bikini's with cotton over the elastic. All bikini's have an elastic waist. You can buy them in grandma style, but not in a bikini. I'm short. If I wore the other style, they would hang out over top of my pants. While it may be stylish for teenage boys to wear them this way (and my daughter with her lovely training pants), I don't think it looks so hot on me.

I lucked into a new discovery though. Victoria's Secret has wonderful underwear! I normally don't shop there, because $12 for a single (One!!) pair of underwear is crazy. Oh, but I'm now tempted. I got 2 coupons in the mail for a free pair of Body by Victoria seamless panties. They were free, so I went and picked them up. So comfortable! Love them! But $12!. So sad.

Anyway, today and tomorrow, I'm wearing new underwear that have no holes and fit well. If only every day could be as good.

PS. When my mom owned a restaurant (I have a hard time spelling that. For some reason I just can't remember it. Everytime I write/type it, I have to stop and tell myself "There's an ant in the restaurant!" That's how I remember where the u goes.) we had a waitress named Sherry working there. Mom occasionally tells me she's run into her here or there, and every time she does, I have to stop and ask her who she's talking about. She says "You know, Sherry Blank" And I stop and say "Oh, you mean What color is your underwear Sherry?" She was one of those people who liked to show off her underwear. Often. Apparantly, it made her friends, because she was very popular with the guys. So in the interest of full disclosure, I'll let you all know: I got mine in pink.

Posted by ktjrdn at 14:01 CST
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Proof television rots your brain

If the clouds... if the clouds... clouds come down on the road we will have to watch out. We might run into them if we don't... if we don't... if we don't be careful... We should... if the clouds are in the road... we should go over them!... If the clouds are in the road, we should not run into them. We should... we should... we should fly our car over them...
Honey, our car can't fly.
Maybe we need a Mouse-ka-tool to help us fly over them... Maybe if we go... I see birds...Maybe if a bird... Maybe if a big bird comes up...Maybe if a big bird ... Maybe if a big bird came on it and it would let us fly... on it's back...  How do we...We need a boat... and some... and some... and some boat pawwles... and some... and some life jackets...to help us be safe from crocodiles.... Then we have to go to Crocodile lake...We have to go to crocodile lake to find the chocolate boat... we need a chocolate boat to get across aligator... chocolate lake. We have to go a chocolate lake aligator... a brown chocolate aligator lake! 

For those of you without children - that's Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Dora the Explorer.

Posted by ktjrdn at 10:34 CST
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Monday, 11 December 2006
The best offense is a good defense?
Rob steals covers (in central Illinois, that's what we call blankets). He holds them tight and rolls over. I generally don't have a lot unless I also hold them tight. The problem with that is that I get out of bed at least 50 times in the night to tend to one child or another.  So last night when I put the sheets back on the bed after washing them, I intentionally left more on my side. I thought maybe if I started with more, I would end up with my fair share. It didn't work. He just started the night out noticing that he didn't have the usual amount and pulled them over. I'm thinking that maybe I need to weight them down somehow when I get out of bed in the night. Any suggestions?

Posted by ktjrdn at 12:04 CST
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Friday, 8 December 2006
good deeds

OK, it's Christmas season. So everyone is coming out of the woodwork with charity pleas. But, it's not just about Chirstmas season. I've had a link under my pictures over there for a long time. Every day you can click on it to help generate money for free mamograms. Every day of the year. Please do it. It only takes a minute. And today, because Jenny posted about it, I saw that there were more causes at the same site. I've decided to add them to my links and make them a little more prominent. So check them out and click. Go back and click some more tomorrow. and the next day...




Oh, and if you click, please, please, please go over to Jenny's site and comment that you did. She swore she wouldn't get 200 commenters on a single post and I really want to help prove her wrong.

Posted by ktjrdn at 10:04 CST
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snow flakes

Need a Snow Day?

Hey, I found a site you can carve pumpkins at Halloween, so I went looking for snowflakes. I suck at it. but it's still neat and a good cause.

Posted by ktjrdn at 08:32 CST
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Thursday, 7 December 2006
news flash

Anya stood up today! She let go of the couch she pulled up on and just stood there for a good 3 seconds. She was very excited. Especially when I cheered and clapped forever. She did it 2 or 3 more times too. I'm so thrilled. I can't wait until she can run around. The longest she went tonight was 4 seconds. Rob got to see that one. He was cooking dinner (Sometimes he is useful) and turned around to see it.

They say that she learned how to crawl out of the circle at day care too. She doesn't fall on her nose anymore. Oh yeah, did I tell you she's not banned anymore? She figured out how to crawl back in too. So they figured they couldn't keep her out anymore.

Plus, tonight she was happy! Really really happy. This is the first itme I've been able to get her to laugh hard enough to hiccup. I was really worried. She was always such a serious baby. I wonder how long her ears have been hurting her and I didn't know about it. I tickled her, and threw her up and caught her, and we leaned in to each other and bonked heads (She really loves that one!). Plus, the diaper rash is getting better. Cross your fingers for a good night.

Posted by ktjrdn at 21:19 CST
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