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Friday, 27 January 2006
PC's piss me off sometimes. Mostly, though, it's my husband that does the pissing off, and the computer that's just an Innocent bystander. yesterday, I get this phone call at work. Now, keep in mind that I actually have work to do, and know barely anything about the operating system functions and hardware stuff. What I know is limited. The conversation goes something like this:

Me: Hello
Rob: Hi, what's up?
Me: Not much
Rob: Well, the computer is broken.
m: what do you mean?
r: I tried to plug in my jump-drive, and the USB ports aren't working
m: okay...?
r: So I did this and this and this and this and spent a half hour on the phone with tech support, and it still doesn't work.
m: okay...?
r: Well, I thought that since you work with a bunch of computer geeks, you would be able to talk to people and see if they know what's wrong.
m: I haven't even looked at it and don't know anything about it. I'm not going to be able to give them enough information to fix it, especially if tech support couldn't even help you. If you or I can't fix it, we'll have to have someone look at it. And, I am currently at work, and can't do anything about it.
r: well, you're the one who broke it.
m: .......
r: Don't get pissy, I'm just saying
m: I didn't do anything except put it back together after we moved it.
r: I'm not blaming you. But you took it apart, and you put it back together, and now it doesn't work. You broke it. It's a side-effect of what you did.
m: what do you want me to do about it from here.
r: I said, tell one of your computer friends, and see if they have any ideas.
m: okay.
r: You don't have to be pissy about it.


Does that sound to anyone else, like he's blaming me? 'Cos it sure sounded like it to me. This is why I hesitate to do anything like that around the house. He assures me that he thinks I'm capable of doing something, but god forbid, something goes wrong! Even if it's easily fixable. Like the other day when we put those dressers together we bought. (Did I tell you about that? I'll have to check) I put the tracks on upside down. All it took to correct that was unscrewing them (with the electric drill) and switching the sides and screwing them back down. Added maybe 5 minutes to the process. I just feel like I'm not allowed to make an honest mistake. And I have no idea what happened to the USB ports. I did nothing that I haven't don't 100 times before.

I hate school. he's so much more irritable when he's in school.

(I remembered )

Posted by ktjrdn at 08:54 CST
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